Friends and Family
on the eve of our wedding

My wonderful friend Eduardo Ceballos fixed a superb chili for our out-of-town family and friends on the afternoon/evening before the wedding. It was a great chance to meet a few of our spouse's friends we hadn't already met, and catch up on news with those we hadn't seen in a while.

Dona and her brother Bob Fawcett Gary and College Buddies Gary and College Buddies Ian and Trudy stuck butt to butt
Frapps, Dona and Bob
Photo by Christi Staib
College buddies
Victor, Kent, Steve
and Peggy and Bob Payne
Photo by Christi Staib
College buddies
Photo by Christi Staib
Ian and Trudy
got some kind of glue
smeared on their butts
Photo by Christi Staib
Jill, Brian, and Peggy Payne Dorothy meeting Eduardo Mary and Bob
Jill and Brian Payne,
Peggy Payne (My sister)
Photo by Christi Staib
Dorothy (Dona's mom)
greets Eduardo Ceballos
Photo by Christi Staib
Mary Papish (Dona's sister)
catches up with brother Bob
Photo by Christi Staib