Loop Road
Loop proposals traverse important wildlife habitat
Traverse highly utilized bear habitat
Intersect and fragment highly utilized seasonal movement corridors
MV use displaces bears within 1/3 - 1/2 mile radius
Graves,T.A., 2002, "Spatial and Temporal Response of Grizzly Bears to Recreational Use on Trails"
Motorized use will push elk onto adjacent private lands
Increased conflict
Landowners may not want them
Hunters have no access
"Influences of roads proved to be more important
than any other variable of the elk environment"
Burcham, M.G.; Marcum, C.L.; Lyon, L.J.; Weber, K.T.; and Edge, W.D. 1998,
Chamberlain Creek Elk Studies
"Few elk remained in areas near open roads during the hunting season."
Hurley,M.A., 1994, "Summer-Fall Ecology of the Blackfoot-Clearwater Elk Herd"
Elk move out of area within 0.6 mile either side of open roads
Burcham, M.G.; Marcum, C.L.; Lyon, L.J.; Weber, K.T.; and Edge, W.D. 1998,
Chamberlain Creek Elk Studies
The above slide was changed from the original presented to the council as follows:
- "BF-Clearwater" => "Blackfoot-Clearwater"
- The sources for the citations were made more explicit.