BCCA Motorized Trail Use Recommendations

The following is proposed to the Blackfoot Community Conservation Area Council in regards to
motorized access to recreational trails and roads within the core area of the BCCA. Initially, 50% of the
community surveyed stated motorized access was a priority. With proper management, motorized
access can not only be established but can increase over the years. Users
can assist with many of
these recommended actions.

Develop New Trails and Motorized Recreation Opportunities

Issue: The demand for motorized vehicles (MV) opportunities is increasing. Many of the existing trails

and roads are not designed or constructed specifically for MV use. Areas historically used for MV use are

often closed without providing alternate areas. Prohibiting use without providing for additional alternatives

may lead to further unmanaged and unauthorized MV use.


a.   Develop managed MV "loop" trails and roads

b.   Implement Fee-Based "Daily" Permit system (Those willing to pay for access are much less likely to

abuse the privilege.)

·         Trails/roads open from June 1 through August 31 . (Weather and fire conditions permitting)

·         All motorized users must obtain a permit prior to accessing the BCCA (Limited number per day)

                        Permits can be obtained at the Challenge office and possibly Trixis and/or Blackfoot Commercial Company.                                

·         Fees will help fund projects and programs such as trail/road signage, maps, construction of pull outs with educational signage promoting unique aspects of the BCCA.

·         By obtaining a permit, the user must sign a user agreement adhering to the rules and regulations of the BCCA. Users will also receive a trail/road map and a trail etiquette brochure.

·         Monitoring daily users greatly aids in tracking responsible parties should inappropriate use be reported.

c.   Consistently sign designated routes and provide up to date maps to users

·         Speed limits and "One Way" directional signs

d.      Seek out grants and partnerships to develop new trails

e.       Inventory existing routes, analyze these trails depending on environmental factors for designation or


Education and Trail Etiquette (This can be translated to all forms of access - motorized and non-


Issue: Trail users who lack proper trail etiquette and responsible stewardship ethics can detract from

other trail users' recreation experience and negatively impact the land. Uneducated MV users create

negative impacts including adding to the negative perception of MV use and possible closure of use

areas for the rest of the MV users. Littering, excessive speed, not staying on trails, vandalism and an

inability of managers to enforce regulations leads to continued user conflicts and environmental impacts.


a.   Increase education resources for trail etiquette and responsible stewardship education

·         Incorporate MV recreation use into driver education (especially in high schools)

·         Incorporate trail etiquette and responsible stewardship ethics material into school and youth programs

·     Have agencies collaborate on education materials and programs to provide consistent messages and share resources. Educational messages should emphasize self-responsible behaviors, such as Pack it in-Pack it out.

·         Have regulations posted at trailheads for user reference

b.   Improve land manager training

·         Provide balanced stewardship ethics training

·         Include all resource specialists in MV training programs to increase awareness of management needs

c.       Encourage shared use on trails

·         Recognize that certain traits are more appropriate for accommodating multiple use and others less so; visibly sign each trail accordingly

·         Promote "share the trail" and emphasize cooperation, tolerance and respect for other trail users

·         Make allowable trail uses known to users through signage (motorized, non-motorized, walking, hiking, horses, etc.)

Enforcement of Existing Rules and Regulations/Monitoring

Issue: Trail rules and regulations are often unknown or ignored by users. Land managers do not have the staff or time to constantly monitor trails or manage a vast number of trails over large areas and cannot effectively monitor all trails. The enforcement of existing rules and regulations gives weight and importance to the rules.


·         Promote volunteer programs with clubs and individuals to monitor trails use and educate users  regarding the rules and regulations (peer patrols)

·         Identify enforcement contacts or complaint registers for trail users to report information

·         Impose heavy penalties for offenders (i.e. ban user(s) from future use)

·         Seek additional funding for monitoring and enforcement

·         Employ consistent standards and procedures among neighbor landowners

·         Partner with Federal/State/County law enforcement agencies for enforcement via memorandum of understanding

 Trail Information and Maps

Issue: Trail users need information and accurate maps that inform them where trails exist.


·         Use the Internet to post maps and information so it is widely accessible

·         Have maps cover regional areas

·         Have accurate information on how to get to trailheads and the condition of trails

·         Provide GPS coordinates and other location information

Develop Signage and Support Facilities

Issue: In addition to the actual trail corridor, users require support facilities to the area's use and

activities. Well-designed support facilities increase the user's experience and satisfaction along with

protecting the resource.


·         Develop signage that includes protecting natural resources, land management, stewardship, route

·         marking and access signage

·         Develop consistent standards for signage

·         Develop staging area(s) for motorized use

Comprehensive Planning

Issue: There is a lack of long-term planning for trails. Current planning efforts revolve around a single

trail and do not focus on the bigger picture of regional trail planning, interconnectivity between trail

systems or advance planning to secure access from encroaching development.


·          Understand the regional aspect of trails when planning specific trails

·          Collaborate with neighboring landowners to interconnect trail systems and share resources

·          Develop regional trail system plans (emphasize multi-jurisdictional planning-involving adjacent communities, landowners and partners as well as trail users)

·          Identify major trail access points and secure use for future generations

Recommendations as approved by workgroup - March 28, 2007